


醫院 -- 門診 & 開刀房






詳細ICD9  20051101論病例計酬 2006支付標準 2006健保點數


Rape: E906.1, 性侵診斷書023-A,
HPV 12077B-1
V65.4 看報告 V72.3抹片 V68.0 診斷書 V22.1產檢
GDM 648.83 : OGTT50, OGTT100
病理檢查 25004C, 錐狀切除(病理檢查) 25024C
單導47013c, 47014C 單導管A0209

SCC: 12080B
CT-SCAN: 33072B

610.1 乳房, 纖維cyst
611.0 乳腺炎
676.60 Galactorrhea

220 卵巢 cyst
620.8 OHSS

218.9 子宮肌瘤
654.10 myoma
617.0 腺肌瘤
621.3 子宮內膜增生
617.1 巧克力 cyst
618.1 子宮脫垂
618.0 cystocele, enterocele

614.6 骨盆沾粘
625.9 骨盆痛
614.5 PID

626.0 無月經
626.4 月經不規則
626.8 DUB
625.3 經痛

616.0 cervicitis
112.1 Candidiasis
622.0 cx erosion
622.7 cx polyp
622.4 cx 狹窄
622.1 CIN
233.1 CIS
622.1 Dysplasia
180.9 cx ca
616.3 Bartholin abscess
054.9 Herpes Simplex
097.9 Syphilis
625.0 性交痛

628.9 女, 不孕
606.9 男, 不孕
V25.1 裝IUD
V25.42 拿IUD, 再裝IUD
V25.2 結紮
939.1 IUD移位

627.2 更年期
733.00 骨質疏鬆
627.1 更年期出血

631 Blighted Ovum
632 Missed Abortion
637.01 incomplete abortion
640.00 threatened abortion
640.03 Threatened Abortion
654.53 Cx Incompetence
656.43 IUFD > 22wk
630 mole
641.93 APH
643.13 hpyeremesis gravida
648.23 Anemia, pregnancy
648.83 GDM
656.63 LGA
644.03 Preterm labor
642.63 Eclampsia
647.00 syphilis, pregnancy
097.9 syphilis, non-preg.

666.14 PPH
661.20 Uterine Atony
667.00 Placental retention
670.04 Endometritis, postpartum
672.00 Puerperal fever
674.10 C/S wound disruption
674.34 C/S wound infection

784.0 Headache
465.9 URI
780.4 Vertigo
300.00 Anxiety
379.90 eye disorder
786.5 chest pain
427.9 arrhythmia
070.30 Hepatitis B
558.9 AGE
535.00 gastritis
564.0 constipation
789.0 LAP
455.3 hemorrhoid
724.2 Lumbago
595.0 Cyctitis
596.5 functional disorder of bladder
110.4 Tinea Pedis
272.4 hyperlipidemia
274.9 Gout
280.9 IDA, anemia
242.90 hyperthyroidism
401.1 H/T
708.9 Urticaria
698.9 dermatitis
729.1 muscle pain
263.0 mal-nutrition
459.9 circulation
386.9 眩

633.9 Ectopic Pregnancy
614.6 pelvic adhesion
654.20 Previous C/S
652.23 Breech
653.40 CPD
641.23 Abruptio Placenta
641.13 Placental Previa
656.30 Fetal distress
662.10 Prolonged Labor
661.10 Arrested active phase of labor
662.10 giant baby, prolonged labor
652.33 Transverse lie
652.43 Face presentation
651.00 twin

Rape E960.1
PCOD 256.4
Condyloma acc. 078.1
Herpes simplex 054



實驗檢查  化驗小常識

L004 生化10 項

06012C Urinalysis
06505C Pregnancy test
06009C sediment----sperm, trichomonas
16001C semen analysis

18001C EKG

08011C CBC
11001C ABO type
11003C Rh type
08018C BT
08026B PT
08036B APTT
08013C WBC differential count

09005C Glucose
09002C BUN
09015C creatinine
09013C uric acid
09001C cholesterol
09004C triglycerol
09043C HDL
09044C LDL
09025C GOT
09026C GPT

32024C pelvimetry
33029B (68.9) HSG
33072B CT Scan , with + without constrast 5035
33005B Mammography 1200
19005C Breast sonography 600
X01 Chest PA
X55 Lumbosacral AP+Lat
32006C KUB
15009B Breast aspiration

12022B HCG(655.93) Downs
12007C-1 AFP
09078B1 FSH
09078B2 LH
09078B3 E2
09006B2 progesterone
09064B1 prolactin
09042B2 Cortisol
09064B2 Testosterone
09042B1 TSH
09009B T3
09010C T4
27027A free T4
09035B Iron, TIBC
12116B Ferritine
08030B Hb-EP

12077B CA125
12079B CA 19-9
12007C AFP
12021B CEA

12018C TPHA
12001C VDRL
14049C HIV I-II
14005B HSV1 Ab IGg
14045B Rubella IgM
14044B Rubella, IgG

14032C HBsAg
14033C anti-HBs
14035C HBeAg
14036C anti-HBe
14037C anti-HBc
14040C anti-HAV

13007B vag. Discharge culture
25001C pathology





乙診 020-D 第二份 021-E
傷診 023-A
PAP: 自費 15017C 55012C V72.3,
PAP: 住院55012C 33
PAP: 預防 31, 疾病36,
55012C PAP
55017C cytology

55011C irrigation
55021C PV
19003C Sona
24009A OGTTS
18013C NST
33029B HSG
29022C Rubin test
33064B BMD
25001C PATHO
80401C (69.09) Dx D&C
55002C (69.6) MR—EM Bx
55001C (67.12) Cx Bx
81006C (69.51) < 12wk D&C
81007C (69.01) > 12wk
55003C (67.33) cx cryosurgery
55013C post-cryo. Tx
55007C (67.32) cauterization
55004C tx of bleeding

55008C (67.32) condyloma cauter.
80207C (67.39) (622.7)Cx polpectomy
28028C (70.21) colposcopy
79802C (71.23) (616.3)Marsupialization
80205B (67.2) conization
29023C (70.0) culdocentesis
81009C inductuin, IUFD
55018C (67.0) (622.4) dilatation of cx
55020B (69.7) insert IUD
55005C (98.17) remove IUD
55006B remove IUD
51020C (54.0) I&D---pus
48001C wound Tx < 5cm
48001C wound Tx 5-10cm
48001C wound Tx >10cm
48012C (93.57) (674.34)CD
48026C (97.83) remove stiches
47013C 一般導尿
47014C (57.94) 留置導尿
55015C (622)PPH Tx
79601C abscess drainage
80002B remove cyst, vagina

VBAC 81024C (97932A)




54.11 exp. Lapa for pelvis
54.12 Laparoscopy
59.9 MMK
65.4 RSO or LSO
65.6 BSO
65.8 Lysis of adhesion
66.2 T/S
66.4 Salpingectomy, unilateral
66.5 Salpingectomy, bilateral
66.7 Tuboplasty
67.2 Conization
67.5 McDonald suture
68.29 Myomectomy
68.3 Sutotal Hysterectomy
68.4 ATH
68.5 VTH
69.01 D&C
69.09 Dx D&C
69.22 Uterus suspension
69.6 MR
70.50 AP repair
70.51 A repair
70.52 P repair
70.71 suture of vaginal laceration
71.23 Marsupialization
71.79 repair of old EP wound
71.9 other GYN operation
77.89 (659.9)mini T/S
74.1 C/S
81004c (74.99) C/S
81017c (73.59) NSD
80007B A repair 2990
80008B P repair 2360
80009B AP repair 4050
80010B AP repair+rectocele 5160
80014C Laparoscopy 3320
80402B myomectomy 7450
80403B ATH, VTH 9580
80404B subtotal Hysterectomy 6600
80405B pelvic adhesiolysis 3410
80601B salpingectomy 4890
80602B salpingo-oophorectomy 5440
80802B oophorectomy 5070
81002B ectopic preg. 6130
81004C C/S 7420
81014B cauterilization of endometriosis 4750
80416B LAVH 38250
80807B laparoscopic SO 30420
81020B laparoscopic--- ectopic 33960
81006C D&C 1010
80401C Dx D&C 1160
77029B APUS 11680
80205B conization
78030A Burch 8370
78017B MMK 4880
78028B bladder neck 8370
80017B Lefort Colpocleisis(5180)


73001B 腸粘連分離術 Enterolysis, freeing adhesion 10096
骨盆腔膿瘍引流術 Drainage of pelvic abscess
  75803C - 經腹 transabdominal 8234
  75804C - 經肛門 transanal 4030
75805B 剖腹探查術 Exploratory laparotomy 9494
75808B 腹腔內異物卻除術 Removal of intraabdominal foreign body 7602
腹壁損傷修復術 Repair of abdominal wall injury
  75814B - 簡單 simple with/without reconstruction 7442
  75815B - 廣泛性 extensive with reconstruction or prosthesis 11836
77029B 腹式會陰尿道懸吊術 Abdominal perineal urethral suspension (APUS) 11680
78034B 膀胱破裂修補術Repair of bladder rupture 7080
78018B 膀胱縫合術 Cystorrhaphy 5470
78019B 膀胱陰道?管閉合術,由腹部開刀 Closure fistula, vesicovaginal abdominal approach 10612
78020B 膀胱子宮?管閉合術,包含子宮切除術
    Closure fistula, vesicouterine with or without hysterectomy 7840
78028B 腹式尿失禁手術 Transabdominal urinary incontinence surgery 5170
78029B 陰道式尿失禁手術(含Kelly plication)
     Transvaginal urinary incontinence surgery (Kelly plication included) 3670
78030B 陰道懸吊術Colposuspension or Burch operation 8370
78036B 膀胱懸吊術
78037B KELLY手術 KELLY operation 3670 註:已申報80007B(前側陰道縫合術)者,不得再申報此項

十一、會陰 Perineum (79601~79603)

79601C 會陰膿腫切開引流(非產科) Incision and drainage of perineal abscess (Non-obstetric) 1160
79602C 會陰修補 repair of perineum v 1160
79603C 女陰白斑切除術 Excision of genital leukoderma 1160

十二、外陰及陰道口Vulva & Introitus (79801-79810)

79801C 廣泛性外陰膿瘍引流術 Extended drainage of external genital abscess 1840
79802C 巴氏腺囊腫造袋術 Marsupialization of Bartholin's gland cyst 1280
79803C 巴氏腺囊切除術 Excision of Bartholin's gland 1610
    註:巴氏腺管或前庭大腺囊腫切除 (Bartholin duct cyst or sken's gland cyst excision) 比照申報。
女陰切除術 vulvectomy
   79804B -未合併皮膚或皮下組織重建 7230
   79810B -合併皮膚或皮下組織重建 9570
79805B 女性包皮切除術 Female circumcision 1160
79806C 簡單陰蒂切除術 Simple clitoridectomy 1160
79807B 廣泛陰蒂切除術 Extensive clitoridectomy 1460
79808C 處女膜切開術 Hymenotomy v 530
79809B 根治女陰切除術 Radical Vulvgectomy 註:合併淋巴清掃。 22120

十三、陰道Vagina (80001-80025)

80001B 陰道切開探查術或骨盆腔膿腫引流 Vaginotomy or drainage of pelvic abscess 1590
80002C 陰道囊腫切除術 Excision of vaginal cyst 1290
80003B 陰道中膈切除術 Resection of vaginal Septum 2090
80004B 陰道後穹窿切開術 Incision of posterior fornix 1140
80005B 陰道縫合術(縫合陰道損傷,非產科) Vaginal wall repair (Non-obstetric) 1480
80006B 陰道會陰縫合術:縫合陰道及會陰損傷 ,(非產科)2200
    Colpoperineorrhaphy, suture ofinjury of vagina and/or perineum nonobstetrical
80007B 前側陰道縫合術Colporrhaphy, anterior 2990
80009B 前後側陰道縫合術Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy 4050
80010B 前後側陰道縫合術:包含腸膨出修補術
    Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy, (including repair of enterocele) 5160
80011B 從腹腔進入陰道固定術Transabdominal colpopexy 5160
80011B 從腹腔進入陰道固定術Colpopexy, abdominal approach 5160
80012C 麻醉下之陰道擴張術Vaginal dilation under anesthesia 880 註:包含麻醉費用在內。
80014C 腹腔鏡手術 Laparoscopy operative註:包括腹腔鏡檢查。 3320
陰道切除術 Colpectomy
    80015B - 陰道部份切除 Partial resection of vagina 4140
    80016B - 陰道全部切除 Complete resection of vagina 5180
80017B 陰道閉合術LeFort colpocleisis 5180
80018B 人工陰道重建術 (陰道狹窄或陰道缺失) -無皮膚移植 7090
    Reconstruction of vagina (vaginal stenosis or vaginal defects,without skin graft)
80019B 人工陰道重建術 (陰道狹窄或陰道缺失) -有皮膚及大腸等移植
    Reconstruction of vagina (vagina stenosis or vaginal defects, with skin, colon or other graft) 10500
80020B 直腸陰道廔管封閉術 Rectovaginal fistula closure 6450
80021B 直腸陰道廔管修補術Recto-vaginal fistula repair 6450
80022B 尿道陰道?管修補術 Urethral vaginal fistula repair 5855
80023B 膀胱陰道?管修補術 Vesico vaginal fistula repair 6191
80024B 從陰道進入之陰道固定術.Colpopexy, vaginal approach 4050
80025B 腹腔鏡陰道懸吊術Laparoscopic colpopexy 5160

十四、子宮頸Cervix Uteri (80201-80209)

80201C 子宮頸切除術Trachelectomy (cervicectomy) 2010
80202C 子宮頸整形術Tracheloplasty註:shirodker or lash type 2010
80203C 子宮頸縫合術Cervical cerclage(IMcDonald's cerclage 比照申報) 2010
80204C 子宮頸殘餘部擴張刮除術Dilation and curettage of cervical stump1340
80205B 子宮頸楔狀切除術Cervical conization 註:雷射錐形切除術 Laser conization, CO2比照申報。 2620
80206B 子宮頸切斷術Cervical amputation 2010
80207C 子宮頸蒂瘤切除術Cervical polypectomy 300
80208B 殘餘子宮頸切除術 Excision cervical-stump 3220
80209B 子宮頸部份切除術 Manchester operation 2300

十五、子宮體Corpus Uteri (80401-80419)

80401C 診斷性或治療性子宮擴張刮除術(非產科) Diagnostic or therapeutic dilation and curettage (Non-      obstetric) 註:治療性子宮頸擴張刮除術比照申報。 1160
80402C 子宮肌瘤切除術Myomectomy 7450
80403B 子宮完全切除術Total hysterectomy註:經陰道(transvaginal hysterectomy, TVH)或經腹部 
     (transabdominal hysterectomy, TAH)。 9580
80404B 次全子宮切除術Subtotal hysterectomy 6600
80405B 骨盆腔粘連分離術Lysis of pelvic (abdominal) adhesion 3410
80406B 子宮懸吊術 Uterine suspension 註:Spalding-Webster method 比照申報。 4210
80407B 子宮廣韌帶裂傷修補或切除術Repair or resection of broad ligament 2840
80408B 子宮輸卵管造口吻合術Hysterosalpingostomy 5780
80409B 子宮縫合術Hysterorrhaphy 2530
80410B 子宮整形術Metroplastic surgery註:Jone's或Tompkin's op. 比照申報。 3650
80411B Spalding-Richardson 氏子宮脫出手術 Spalding-Richardson compensation op. for uterine prolapse 4240
80412B 廣泛性全子宮切除術Extended hysterectomy 18080
80413B 子宮頸癌全子宮根除術 Radical Hysterectomy for cervical cancer 24000
80414B 陰道式子宮根治手術 (Schauta 式手術) Hysterectomy vaginal radical, Schauta typeprocedure 15740
80415B 子宮鏡子宮肌瘤切除術Hysteroscopic myomectomy (Transcervical Resection of myoma) 16580
80416B 腹腔鏡全子宮切除術Laparoscopy hysterectomy 38250
80417B 婦癌分期手術 27390 手術範圍含:(BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy)
80418B 婦癌減積手術 28750 手術範圍含:
    (BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy) +radical dissection for debulking
80419B 婦癌二次剖腹探查術Gynecologic oncology second-look laparotomy 12970

十六、輸卵管 Oviduct (80601-80607)

80601C 輸卵管切除術 Salpingectomy 4890
80602C 輸卵管卵巢切除術 Salpingo-oophorectomy 5440
80603C 輸卵管整形術 Salpingoplasty 5590
80604B 輸卵管剝離術Salpingolysis with microscopic 3410
80605B 輸卵管吻合術 End to end anastomosis 5780 註:結紮後重建者,非屬本保險給付範圍
80606B 輸卵管造口術Salpingostomy without microscopic 5590
80607B 輸卵管補植術Reimplantation with microscopic 5590

十七、卵巢 Ovary (80801-80810)

80801B 卵巢切除術附加大網膜切除術Oophorectomy with omentectomy 13830
80802C 卵巢部份或全部切除術Oophorectomy, partial or total 5070
80803C 卵巢囊腫切開引流術Drainage cyst ovarian single or multiple cysts 4320
80804C 卵巢膿瘍切開引流術Incision and drainage of ovarian abscess 4320
80805C 卵巢部份切片術 Biopsy ovary, incisional 2840
80806C 卵巢楔狀或雙面切除術 Ovary wedge resection 5070
80807B 腹腔鏡卵巢部分(全部)切除或輸卵管卵巢切除術 30420
    Laparoscopic oophorectomy (partial or total) or salpingo-oophorectomy
80808B 黃體囊腫破裂修補術Suture of ruptured corpusluterm cyst 5070
80809B 卵巢癌再次手術探查術Second look operation for ovarian cancer 3010
80810B 卵巢囊腫切除術Enculestion of ovarian cyst 4320

十八、自然生產、剖腹產及流產 Deliverysection、Cesarean & Abortion (81001-81026)

81001C 葡萄胎除去術 Removal of hydatidiform mole 2360
81002C 子宮外孕手術Ectopic pregnancy operation 6130
81003C 胎盤取出術 Manual removal of placenta 730
81004C 剖腹產術Cesarean section註:合併非治療性闌尾切除不另給付 7420
81005C 剖腹產合併次全(全)子宮切除術 8240 Cesarean section with hysterectomy subtotal (total)(合併非    治療性闌尾切除不另給付)
81006C 妊娠前十二週流產刮宮術 D&C(≦12.Week) 1010
81007C 妊娠超過十二週流產或死胎刮宮術 D&C( >12.Week) 1320
81008B 子宮切開流產術Hysterotomy for termination of pregnancy 7050 )
81009C 死胎之引產(12-24週)Medical induction for fetal death (12-24 weeks)
    註:治療性引產比照申報。 1660
81010C 死胎之引產(超過24週)Medical induction for fetal death (after 24 weeks)
    註:治療性引產比照申報。 3310
81012B 死胎破取術Destruction of the dead fetus 3690
81013B 骨盤腔臟器摘除術Pelvic exenteration-Total or Anterior or Posterior
    註:含人造膀胱、直腸造口。 43690
81014B 骨盆腔子宮內膜異位症,電燒及切除
    Excision & electric cauterization of pelvic endometriosis 4750
81015C 經腹部子宮內避孕器移除術 4080
81016B 薦骨前神經截斷術 Pre-sacral sympathectomy, without other procedure 3100
81017C 接生費(包括會陰切開術,縫合術及胎盤剝離等) 4200
81018C 雙胎分娩Vaginal delivery of twins 註:包括會陰切開術,縫合術及胎盤剝離等。6300
81019C 多胎分娩Vaginal delivery of multiple pregnancy註:包括會陰切開術,縫合術及胎盤剝離等。 7200
81020B 腹腔鏡子宮外孕手術Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy
    註﹕本項支付點數含一般材料費及特殊材料費合計66%。 33960
81021B 骨盆腔惡性腫瘤消滅術Debulking operation for pelvic cancer
81022B 敗血性流產Septic abortion treatment 1320
81023B 子宮內膜電燒及切除術 Endometrial ablation or transcervical endometrial resection 4750
81024C 前胎剖腹產後之陰道生產(接生費) 7420
81025C 前胎剖腹產後之陰道生產(雙胎分娩) 9795
81026C 前胎剖腹產後之陰道生產(多胎分娩) 10812

55022C 子宮內避孕器取出術(須擴張子宮頸及麻醉者)
55023C 生殖器雷射治療
55024C 子宮外翻復位術
55025C 陰道切片
62062B 腫瘤組織檢查切片術,部位未明示

93021C 全血:每單位 (250cc) Whole blood
93022C 向非捐血中心取血,全血(每單位 250cc)

    創作者 honorvip 的頭像


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